We believe God’s love for humanity shapes our understanding of wellbeing and drives us to seek a profound and holistic wellness for every student in our school.

Our wellbeing framework

Our wellbeing framework is characterised by a whole school (Prep to Year 12) approach with the focus on the whole student. In caring for the whole person, we aim to love and support our students across four domains of wellbeing - spiritual wellbeing; social-emotional wellbeing; physical wellbeing; and academic wellbeing.

We see these different domains of wellbeing to be grounded in the love of God and the good news of life that can be found in Jesus Christ. We seek to develop a wellbeing focus within the wider school community, partnering with parents, staff and students as we love and support each other.

Key focus areas

Within the context of a biblical framework for human flourishing, wellbeing is explored in the following key focus areas.

Leadership & Service
Student Voice


Students are created by God. God created all people as his image bearers, yet sin hinders our true expression of our identity. We are designed to be in relationship with God and with other people but the brokenness of our world and ourselves hinders that in many ways. Jesus has shown us the restored relationship we can have with God and others. We seek to help all students develop their sense of their own identity and their place as a welcome member of our community.


Students are known by staff. Staff are seeking to show Christian love and genuine care to all their students as they prepare, equip and partner with them. Nurturing students to grow their knowledge, skills and confidence as they mature.


Students are cared for in community. Staff and parents partner together and connect with the broader community to care for the students. Students develop their sense of place in our community and their experience of wellbeing as their community comes together to encourage and challenge them in their development.

Leadership & Service

We recognise our school is a place for all students to serve and grow in servant leadership. We are also committed to providing opportunities for students to learn how to live as examples of servant leaders in the community.

Student Voice

Students are listened to and their opinions are taking seriously. All students are loved as they are known and have an opportunity to be heard. There are opportunities to be consulted, contribute, and participate in decision making processes.

The Wellbeing team

Research has demonstrated the importance of all staff playing a role in the development of student wellbeing. Our educators will often be privy to information about our students that no-one else has the chance to notice.

As a Prep to Year 12 school, we are in a unique position to apply the principles of Notice, Inquire, Provide. That is, we can notice when a student is struggling with their wellbeing. We are in the position to inquire about their wellbeing, to check in with them and ask how they are. Lastly, our staff are able to provide support; perhaps with encouragement and prayer, or maybe more targeted support from other members of the Wellbeing Team.

Whilst the Wellbeing Team are able to provide more targeted support to students who are struggling with their wellbeing, the wellbeing structure in our Junior School and Secondary School provides a clear pathway for students and their families to seek wellbeing support.

Our Wellbeing programs will intentionally look different from stage to stage, however they are always done in partership with our parents. We want to foster and grow strong links between our school and the home.

It is prayerful desire that all our students will know their true identity in Christ and will grow and flourish as resilient, engaged and confident learners for God's glory.

Junior School Wellbeing structure

The classroom teacher plays a vital role in fostering the wellbeing of the students in their class. As they are in daily contact with their students, they are able to notice changes in a students' wellbeing, engagement or progress with learning.

The classroom teacher has the responsibility of supporting the vision and mission of the school by leading devotions and prayer each day.

The classroom teacher is also responsible for developing a positive, loving and supportive atmosphere for learning and wellbeing within the classroom.

If a student requires more targeted wellbeing support, the Stage Coordinator and/or Counsellors may provide additional assistance. The Director of Student Wellbeing, Head of Junior School, Deputy Principal and Principal are also part of the wider Wellbeing team.

Secondary School Wellbeing structure

There are a number of components that make up the Wellbeing structure for students in Years 7 to 12.

Home Class provides an opportunity for our teachers to meet daily with a small group of students (usually 15 to 20) in a less formal setting. Home Classes operate within our House system and are arranged ‘vertically’, meaning there are a small number of students from each grade in every home class. Home Classes are of mixed gender. Students will generally stay with their Home Class group for the duration of their time at ¹ú²ú×ÔÅÄ, meaning that their Home Class teacher plays a significant role in their schooling from welcoming them into high school in Year 7 to helping them graduate at the end of Year 12. Home Classes are designed to be loving, supportive groups that foster belonging, connectedness, role modelling and mentoring. Home Class is intended as an opportunity for students to regularly engage with the Word of God through devotions, prayer and reflection.

The Home Class teacher plays a pivotal role in fostering the wellbeing of the students in their Home Class. As they are in daily contact with their students, Home Class teachers are often able to notice changes in a students’ wellbeing, engagement or progress with learning. As a result, Home Class teachers are regularly the initial contact for students and their families regarding wellbeing matters.

Year Advisors play a key role for the students and parents of a specific year group. They provide day-to-day support for students and assist in running wellbeing programs in their given year group.

If a student requires more targeted wellbeing support, the Wellbeing Coordinators and/or Counsellors may provide additional assistance. The Director of Student Wellbeing, Head of Secondary School, Deputy Principal and Principal are also part of the wider Wellbeing team.

Our Mental Fitness Program

The Mental Fitness Program is designed to have a positive focus on building resilience that is centred on God as our foundation with our minds set on things above (Colossians 3:2). God calls us to be joyful in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). This is something that requires a trust in God as he actively works in us to love and serve him.

There are 5 domains within our mental fitness program:

Meaning and purpose

The identity and purpose of each student comes from God.

Social connections

God has made all people for connection and relationships.


God calls his people to be still and acknowledge his power and provision.


God has made and gifted every student uniquely.


God calls his people to give thanks in all circumstances.

Our commitment to being a child-safe organisation

We are committed to following Christ, in love, with actions and in truth. This means we are committed to the safety, protection and wellbeing of children and young people. Our Lord loves, cares and protects children and so we seek to love, care and protect the children and young people God has placed in our care.

All children and young people who come to ¹ú²ú×ÔÅÄ are God’s beloved creation and should be kept safe and protected from harm. As God’s image bearers their voice and perspective should be heard and valued.

View our Commitment to being a child-safe organisation.

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