Business activity is a feature of everyone’s life. The Business Studies syllabus encompasses the theoretical and practical aspects of business in ways students will encounter throughout their lives. It offers learning from the planning of a small business to the management of operations, marketing, finance and human resources in large businesses.
Contemporary business issues and case studies are embedded in the course to provide a stimulating and relevant framework for students to apply to problems encountered in the business environment. Business Studies fosters intellectual, social and moral development by assisting students to think critically about the role of business and its ethical responsibilities to society.
I think HSC Business Studies is actually a pretty fun course. I think if you were asked to name 50 businesses or 50 animals, you’d actually have an easier time thinking of 50 businesses. This course helps us to realise that business activity (designing, producing, marketing, delivering, supporting) affects all of us. During our lives we are all consumers, investors and employers/employees and we rely on the business sector for much of our quality of life in terms of goods and services. What makes Business Studies unique is that you explore entrepreneurship and running a small business in Year 11. Then, in Year 12, you look specifically at the management of operations, marketing, finance and human resources in large businesses.
I’ve had many friends (myself included) decide to do marketing (Bachelor of Media), finance (Bachelor of Commerce), human resources (Bachelor of Laws) because of what they’ve liked and enjoyed in Business Studies. In addition to the material that you learn, HSC Business Studies also helps you to develop your intellectual and writing skills. It also gives you a chance to participate in social and moral debates such as pollution, minimum wages, exploitation, and other ethical issues concerning business.
Topic 1: Operations
Fundamentally, operations is about the working or the running of a business. It’s about understanding how a business starts with raw materials and ends up with finished goods or services. The key points you need to know about for operations include:
Topic 2: Marketing
Marketing is perhaps the easiest and most familiar topic. The aim of this topic is to learn how businesses use marketing to try to convince customers to choose their brand over a competitors. The key points you need to know about include:
Topic 3: Finance
Finance and financial management is super important in business. This topic uses some maths (don’t worry, it’s just addition and a few ratios i.e. division!). This topic often requires the most practice but it’s also extremely useful later in life. The main points you need to know include:
Topic 4: Human Resources
Human Resource Management (HRM) is pretty straight forward and looks at how a business can organise it’s people to effectively complete tasks and objectives. The key points include:
If you have further questions, please contact:
HSIE Coordinator - Mr Nick Hales